This post provides new bakery owners with four low-cost marketing ideas to help get the word out about their business. These tips are great for anyone with a tight budget, and will help them to establish their business as legitimate while ensuring they don't break the bank. Learn more about cost-effective marketing strategies for new bakeries.
Getting the word out about your business is critical when starting a new business. It’s actually pretty important at any stage in a business’ life cycle. However, especially in the beginning, you’ll want to focus on a marketing strategy that establishes your business as legitimate while not breaking the bank. In this post, I’m sharing four low cost marketing tips that are great for newbies or those owners on a tight budget.
Create a directory listing
Did you know that you can list your business for free on Google? The name of the program has changed over the years, but look into creating a “Google Business Profile” for your bakery. This will help customers better find you online. They will also be able to leave reviews that might encourage other customers to make a purchase. Yelp, Yahoo and other search engines also offer similar services. There are also niche and service specific directories that can serve as a great source of customers such as Wedding Wire, Thumbtack or Easy Event Planning. Most of these platforms offer a free listing option and some provide an opportunity to boost your listing for an additional fee. Whether you decide to list for free or upgrade, take advantage of these platforms by listing your business so that potential customers can find your business.
Create a website
If the idea of creating a website feels overwhelming, I’m here to ease your fears. Thanks to easy to use web hosting platforms and industry specific templates, creating a website shouldn’t be a thing to stress over. Your website simply needs to showcase your work and provide your potential customers more information about your business. If you’d like to add the ability to submit a deposit or place an online order, that might take a few more clicks during the setup process. However, it can be relatively straightforward as long as you’re willing to put in the time.
Your website can serve as a source of product information, but you can also use it to share updates much like how you would on social media. You can use your website to share business announcements and other useful content such as policies, answers to FAQ’s and design inspirations.
Create a business account on social media
Social media definitely has its pluses and minuses. However, certain demographics won’t take a business seriously if they do not have a website and the same can be said about social media. If you’ve read any of my previous articles, you’ve seen me stress the importance of communicating with customers via their preferred communication method. For some of your customers, social media is going to be that preferred method.
I’m not suggesting that you spend all of your free time building a social media presence. However, I do recommend that you set a schedule for posting on social media in a way that works best for you and your business goals. If you’re a big social media fan, then posting daily might be a good fit. If you have a small team, sharing content weekly or every other week might work better. Whatever frequency you decide, don’t simply ignore social media. Ignoring social media could hide you from an audience that might end up being your biggest supporter.
Connect with the local press
Finally, consider submitting press releases to local newspapers and other media outlets. Make sure to work on a newsworthy angle. What makes your business stand out? Did you start your business during the pandemic as a creative outlet? Are you opening a storefront after working out of your home? Yes, any media coverage will serve as advertisement. However, simply owning a business will not win you media coverage. You will want to send out a press release when your business wins an award or some type of accolade. Send one if your business does something great in the community or expands in some way. If you need a few “newsworthy angle” ideas, watch the news or check your local papers and analyze what businesses are getting coverage. Find your angle and pitch your business’ story to those outlets.
Marketing is extremely important at any stage in business. It may take a bit of time to gain some momentum. However, if you keep putting information out there, focus on providing a quality product and keeping customers happy, your business will grow over time within your community.
Cyd N. Mitchell
Business Blogger, Retail Bakers of America
Cydni N. Mitchell (aka Cyd) is a Bakery Consultant and the Sweet Business Coach behind Sweet Fest®. Based in Atlanta, GA, Sweet Fest® is an online company that supports the business needs of the Sweet Community in the areas of professional development, marketing, branding and web design.
By trade, Cyd is an accountant & financial analyst with a Masters from the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is the Founder of the Sugar Coin Academy, an online business academy for business owners in the baking and sweets industry, and she is also the organizer of The Ultimate Sugar Show, Georgia’s Largest Annual Baking and Sweets Expo in Atlanta. She is also the Business Blogger for the Retail Bakers of America.